
Dbeaver versions
Dbeaver versions


This feature is disabled by default, to enable go to settings (Preferences > Select next cell after line item). Excel-like behavior for inline data editing when selecting ‘Enter’ after values are entered in a cell, the value will be saved and the field focus will move automatically to the next row.Introduces the capability for cell expansion to see all lines in an array by selecting the down arrow icon within the data editor window. Visualization of arrays and multi-row data types for relational & NoSQL databases.Open the metadata panel and click the DDL button. Generate DDL from the resultset enables DDL script for table creation while reviewing query results.The new terminal is enabled by selecting the terminal icon on the SQL Editor screen. The SQL Terminal updates to append each SQL query creating a visual history of statements run, the corresponding result set, and any messages in one view. Introducing SQL Terminal, which captures the query statement, query results, and messages in text format.Stored procedure and functions management was addedĭBeaver 22.2 SeptemSQL Editor New Features.SSL connection configuration support was added.GCP support in the Cloud Explorer was improved.Google BigQuery and Google Spanner were added to the Cloud Explorer.The option to create folders in S3 using File Explorer was added.Microsoft Azure support for SQL Server was added.The tables/column mapping dialog was improved.The description column was added to XLSX format (configurable).

dbeaver versions

Export to XLSX now supports different modes for spreadsheet rows append.Columns auto-mappings were improved (case-insensitive search).The display of a warning about override output files on data export to file was added.The issue with the SMTP configuration was resolved.Big SQL files support was improved (automatic disablement of syntax validation).Auto-completion with the TAB key was implemented.The top and bottom action toolbars were redesigned.Refresh and row counts icons were updated.New database drivers: Influx2, CouchBase3, OpenSearch, Fujitsu, TimeStream, Oracle Cloud JSON.Visual Query Builder: Join tables visualization was improved.Multi-connections behavior configuration was improved.SSH jump servers support was added for SSHJ implementation.Redshift: The issue with access to Redshift Datashare was resolved.Snowflake: Schema Compare and Table constraints reading issues were fixed.Teradata: multiple issues were resolved, including secure zones support and Kerberos authentication.MongoDB: issues with running db.runCommand, JSON view, and boolean values display were fixed.SQL Server: VARCHAR(MAX) data type support and table column comments support were added.


  • PostgreSQL: The ability to create a full backup and SSL keys automatic conversion was added.
  • Data export in SQL INSERT format now supports custom target table name configuration.
  • Data export to Google Sheets and Google Drive was added.
  • dbeaver versions

  • Query generation from human language text was added.
  • The issues with filtering and ordering data were fixed.
  • A few elements and behavior in Data Editor were redesigned.
  • The catalog/schema selector now supports keyboard-only mode.
  • dbeaver versions

  • Font settings are now respected in all editors/popups.
  • The text reader for the data grid was improved.
  • The text reader for the entity editor was improved.
  • PostgreSQL and MySQL support was added in Azure Cloud.

    OpenAI (ChatGPT) integration was implemented out-of-the-box in PRO versions.

    Dbeaver versions