One cup contains approximately 20 to 30 calories and no fat.

Pattypan is a good source of magnesium, niacin, and vitamins A and C. In fine cuisine, its tender flesh is sometimes scooped out and mixed with flavorings, such as garlic, prior to reinsertion the scooped-out husk of a pattypan is also sometimes used as a decorative container for other foods. Pattypan squash comes in white, yellow, orange, light green, dark green, and multicolored varieties. The pattypan squash is also known as scallop squash, granny squash, custard squash, ciblème in Cajun French, button squash, scallopini, or simply "squash" in Australian English, or schwoughksie squash (pronounced "shwooxie squash"), especially if grown in the Poughkeepsie, New York, area. Its French name, pâtisson, derives from a Provençal word for a cake made in a scalloped mould. The name "pattypan" derives from "a pan for baking a patty". Pattypan squash (or 'patty pan') is a varietal group of summer squash ( Cucurbita pepo) notable for its round and shallow shape, and scalloped edges, somewhat resembling a flying saucer. Just scoop out the center while either raw or cooked and fill with whatever your heart desires.Mature pattypan squash ready for harvesting Scallop squash even make edible, useful serving bowls. Steam small ones whole for four to six minutes. They can be sliced, diced, braised, grilled, fried, roasted, or stuffed. You can prepare patty pans just as you would any squash. Patty pans can grow to 7 inches (18 cm.) across but get rather tough the larger they get. Pick once the color changes from green to golden yellow but while the fruit is still small, 2 to 4 inches (5-10 cm.). Within days of flowering, it is very likely that you will have fruit that is sizeable enough to harvest. Plants are prolific and will produce several dozen squash each. The choice to grow heirloom or hybrid is yours. That said, there are some open pollinators that result in true plants from generation to generation and we call them heirloom varieties. Hybrid varieties are bred to insure that the seeds have known specific traits while open-pollinated varieties are fertilized via an uncontrolled source, which may result in a plant that doesn’t breed true. There are both open-pollinated, those pollinated via insects or wind, and hybrid varieties of scallop squash available. There are no secret scallop squash growing tips the plants are relatively easy to grow. The fruit should mature between 49 and 54 days. Give them plenty of room to grow like any squash their vines spread 4 to 6 feet (1-2 m.). Thin them to one or two plants per hill once the seedlings attain a height of 2 or 3 inches (5-8 cm.) tall.

They are usually planted in groups with two or three seeds per hill and spaced 2 to 3 feet (61-91 cm.) apart. Once the danger of frost has passed in your area, these little squash can be directly sown into the garden.
Pattypan squash full#
Scallop squash or patty pans should be grown in full sun, in rich, well-draining soil. These little flying saucer shaped fruits may be white, green, or buttery yellow in color and are round and flat with a scalloped edge, hence the name. In fact, scallop squash are not as moist as crooknecks or zucchini and should be harvested when young and tender. They can begin being eaten when only an inch or two (2.5-5 cm.) across, making them even more entertaining to kids’ taste buds. The fun shape of the fruit growing on patty pan squash plants may also be an enticement to getting the kids to eat their veggies. Lesser known than its relatives, yellow squash or zucchini, patty pans have a distinct shape which some people describe as similar to a flying saucer. With a delicate, mild flavor, much akin to zucchini, the patty pan squash, also referred to as the scallop squash, is a small variety of summer squash. What is patty pan squash and how do you grow it? Growing Patty Pan Squash Plants If you’ve been stuck in a squash rut, routinely cultivating zucchini or crooknecks, try growing patty pan squash.