
Soulcalibur 7
Soulcalibur 7

soulcalibur 7

In the office, now that we have a playable version of Noctis, we take a look at the videos and the builds. Also, I must admit that I do think that Noctis would’ve fitted more in Soul Calibur VI, but that’s something we can’t change, unfortunately. Development on Tekken 7 began much earlier than Soul Calibur VI, so I guess that’s a bit of an excuse. We too were surprised ! And so during the negociations part of development, we obviously couldn’t share any information with the Soul Calibur team, so even them didn’t know about it. And the problem lying with that is that, at the time, we didn’t think Square Enix would allow us to use Noctis. : *long pause* It might be a bit of an excuse, but the Tekken and Soul Calibur teams aren’t the same. K : Oh yes, that’s true ! So yeah, when we saw Noctis, we saw that he had a sword and he fights like a Soul Calibur character… So how come he’s not there too ? : I’ve already beaten him a fair few times ! I’m Tekken 7’s producer after all ! *laughs* M.O : I can’t answer that, unfortunately. K : So will this game have a stage per character ? We take great consideration into the visual cues and, like the characters, we’ll reveal more stages as time goes by. And it’s also really important that players know just by glancing at them where the Ring Out zones are or whan can be smashed. I know it doesn’t fully answer your question, but when we design stages, we think about things like Ring Out, breakable parts and things that could change the setting. : I don’t know if I should say that, but aside from the two stages presented in the demo, there will obviously be smaller stages. It’s pretty hard to Ring Out, even near the Ring Out zones… Did you limit them or is it just the stages there that don’t allow it ? K : I’ve seen the two new stages and they are very big.

soulcalibur 7

: *silence* You’ll need to wait to find that out ! *laughs* K : So Grøh won’t be the only new character ? There will also be new characters, like Grøh, who will play in integral part in this Soul Calibur’s storyline. It’s also one of the deciding factors in our choice. Since we’re going back to the time around Soul Calibur I and IIand the clash between the Soul Edge and the Soul Calibur, we already know most of the characters that can be included here. We take some real and careful consideration into balancing them so that the fights may be fair. : No comment ! But I will say that when we add new characters, we think about how they relate to the others. There were 20 slots, but I guess it’s not final, then. So no, it’s probably not going to be 20 characters. Discussing it and trying to find new ideas. M.O : We cannot yet say it’d be 20 characters. I was wondering how it’d go with the balance in power between good and evil. K : There’s only 20 characters at launch. : *laughs* I know, I know ! I’m really sorry, but I can’t say anything yet ! Though I will say that now that a few new characters have been revealed, we’ll continue revealing new characters, in time, so please look forward to it. They’re harassing me, chanting « Siegfried ! Siegfried ! » *laughs*

soulcalibur 7

I know you can’t reply to this, but can you say something to the fans. So there are many, many Siegfried fans asking if the character will appear in this game, especially since Nightmare is Siegfried. But we can already tell you that fans will love them ! : As far as ideas go, we already have lots of them as well as finalized concepts, but we can’t talk about them yet. Do you have any idea about what you would like to do ? K : What kind of story modes would you do ? Because for example, Soul Calibur V had a two-hour long adventure and in Soul Calibur III, every character had its own story mode. It’s still in development, but what’s sure it’s that the game will take place during that time frame.


And we can’t exactly say what will be in the game in terms of offline or solo content as we don’t know yet. Motohiro Okubo : We wanted to go back to the era between Soul Calibur I et II with this new game… Well, it will not be specifically between, but it’ll be around that era.Wewant to go back to the concept of the clash between the Soul Edge and the Soul Calibur. Do you plan on having to develop a story mode similar to Soul Calibur I, or II or… Which Soul Calibur are you basing your story mode on ? We saw them growing up and achieve their goals.


The Soul Calibur series have been really focused on story and every character has a beautiful story. I have a few questions about the solo mode. Kayane : Thank you Okubo-san for your time !

Soulcalibur 7